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log mirrors
log mirrors
Thankyou for visiting us at Pine Creek Log Furniture we have several different types of log mirrors availible BEAUTIFULL PINE LOG MIRROR Description: Clear-coat catalyzed lacquer finish for extra durability. Northern White Cedar Logs are hand peeled to accentuate their natural character and beauty. The hand peeling process accentuates their natural character and beauty by sometimes leaving strips of the inner bark membrane on the logs. The inner bark membrane that is left on the logs in spots adds a darker color to the otherwise whitish logs. Individually hand crafted. other similar products sell for 399.99 Beautifull piece of furniture "WHY PAY RETAIL" Pine Log Mirror white pine logs Finish: beatuifful oil base varnish $200.00 Off Suggested Retail Price For the nature enthusiast. Capture the great outdoors with this stunning mirror. Every attention to detail has been met to give this piece that authentic rustic look. Spectacular tree logs has been hand finished in several steps for depth and uniqueness. Magnificently crafted is an exceptional compliment to the mirror. Perfect for your rustic-themed room. Add incredible and stylish interest to your room with this exciting conversation piece. It's an unbelievable buy. Spectacular quality!!!!!! The entire "Lodge Collection" is just incredible!!! 18x24= 60.00 + $40 optional shipping sharge 24x36=$100 + $60 optional shipping charge 12x14=$40+ $20 optional shipping charge